Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Book Review - Art & Elegance of Beadweaving

By Carol WilcoxWells
Rating: 8 Beads

The Art & Elegance of Beadweaving was one of the first really complex beading books I purchased. It has many gorgeous pictures and projects for inspiration, as well as directions for many different bead weaving techniques. I wanted it for the extensive section on beaded beads but I learned a lot from several of the sections, especially the chevron chain stitch in its many variations.

This is not a book for beginners. The projects are beautiful but time intensive and very complex. The stitch directions are very thorough and accurate but also somewhat hard to follow. Without bead handling experience and a willingness to try and try again, many of the projects are frustrating when trying to learn stitches and make an intricate piece of jewelry at the same time. After I had completed some simple projects from other sources, this book was wonderful to come back to for the innovative project ideas.

One of the things I like best about this book is its many variations on each stitch and gallery of jewelry to inspire ideas for each technique. I am currently working through the bead crochet section and I am so glad I already know how to crochet without beads so that I can dive right in.

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